
The following file lists all available tasks with all available options and respective defaults.


This is not a meaningful or realistic workflow definition, but rather a demonstration of what’s available.
A realistic workflow would omit default options and execute tasks in a more useful order.
See Writing Scripts for an example.

Annotated Sample Configuration

  1# Release-Tool Workflow Definition
  2# See https://github.com/mar10/yabs
  3file_version: yabs#1
  5  # Options used as default for all tools in this workflow
  6  repo: 'mar10/test-release-tool'
  7  # GitHub access token
  8  gh_auth:
  9    oauth_token_var: GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN
 10  version:
 11    - type: __version__        # First entry is master for synchronizing
 12      file: src/test_release_tool/__init__.py
 13      # match: '__version__\s*=\s*[''\"](\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*[''\"]'
 14      # template: '__version__ = "{version}"'
 15    # - type: setup_cfg        # First entry is master for synchronizing
 16    #  entry: metadata.version
 17    #  template:
 18  max_increment: minor
 19  branches:                  # Allowed git branches
 20    - main  # Used by GitHub since 2020-11
 21    - master  # legacy 
 25  # The following tools are available. They are executed in the order
 26  # listed here
 28  # 'check': Assert preconditons and fail otherwise
 29  - task: check
 30    build: true             # dist/ folder exists
 31    can_push: true          # Test if 'git push' would/would not succeed
 32    github: true            # GitHub repo name valid and online accessible
 33    clean: true             # Repo must/must not contain modifications
 34    os: null                # (str, list)
 35    python: ">=3.9"         # SemVer specifier
 36    twine: true             # `twine` is available
 37    up_to_date: true        # everything pulled from remote
 38    venv: true              # running inside a virtual environment
 39    version: true           # `setup.py --version` returns the configured version
 40    # winget: true            # `wingetcreate` is available
 41    yabs: ">=0.5"           # SemVer specifier
 43  # 'run': Run arbitrary shell command
 44  - task: exec
 45    args: ["tox", "-e", "lint"]     # shell command and optional arguments
 46    # dry_run_args: ["pwd"]   #
 47    always: true            # `true`: run even in dry-run mode
 48    silent: true            # `true`: suppress output
 49    ignore_errors: false    # `true`: show warning, but proceed on errors (exit code != 0)
 51  - task: exec
 52    args: ["tox"]           # shell command and optional arguments
 53    # dry_run_args: ["pwd"]   #
 54    always: true            # `true`: run even in dry-run mode
 55    silent: true            # `true`: suppress output
 56    ignore_errors: false    # `true`: show warning, but proceed on errors (exit code != 0)
 58  # 'bump': Increment project version (requires argument: `yabs run --inc INC`)
 59  - task: bump
 60    inc: null               # Use value passed as 'yabs run --inc INC'
 62  # # 'replace': In-place string replacements
 63  # # (Uses https://github.com/outaTiME/applause)
 64  # - task: replace
 65  #  files: null               # minimatch globbing pattern
 66  #  patterns: []              # See https://github.com/outaTiME/applause
 67  #  # Shortcut patterns (pass false to disable):
 68  #  setTimestamp: "{%= grunt.template.today('isoUtcDateTime') %}"
 69  #                            # Replace '@@timestamp' with current datetime
 70  #  setVersion: '{version}'   # Replace '@@version' with current version
 72    # 'commit': Commit modified files
 73  - task: commit
 74    add: []                 # Also `git add` these files ('.' for all)
 75    add_known: true         # Commit with -a flag
 76    message: |
 77      Bump version to {version}
 79  # 'tag': Create an annotated tag
 80  - task: tag               #
 81    name: v{version}        #
 82    message: |              #
 83      Version {version}
 85  # 'push': Push changes and tags
 86  - task: push
 87    tags: true              # Use `--follow-tags`
 89  # 'pypi_release': Create a release on PyPI
 90  - task: pypi_release
 91    build:
 92      - sdist
 93      - bdist_wheel
 94    upload: true
 95    # revert_bump_on_error: true
 97  # 'github_release': Create a release on GitHub
 98  - task: github_release
 99    # Override `config.gh_gh_auth`:
100    gh_auth: null
101    name: 'v{version}'
102    message: |
103      Released {version}
105      [Changelog](https://github.com/{repo}/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md),
106      [Commit details](https://github.com/{repo}/compare/{org_tag_name}...{tag_name}).
107    # draft: true
108    prerelease: null  # null: guess from version number format
109    upload:
110      - sdist
111      - bdist_wheel
113  - task: bump
114    inc: "postrelease"
116  - task: commit
117    add_known: true
118    message: |
119      Bump prerelease ({version}) [ci skip]
121  - task: push