
Install for Development#

First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute!

This small guideline may help taking the first steps.

Happy hacking :)

Fork the Repository#

Clone yabs to a local folder and checkout the branch you want to work on:

$ git clone
$ cd yabs
$ git checkout my_branch

Work in a Virtual Environment#

Install Python#

We need Python 3.7+, and pipenv on our system.

If you want to run tests on all supported platforms, install Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11.

Create and Activate the Virtual Environment#

Install dependencies for debugging:

$ cd /path/to/yabs
$ pipenv shell
(yabs) $ pipenv install --dev
(yabs) $

The development requirements already contain the yabs source folder, so pipenv install -e . is not required.

The code should now run:

$ yabs --version

The test suite should run as well:

$ tox

Build Sphinx documentation to target: <yabs>/docs/sphinx-build/index.html)

$ tox -e docs

Run Tests#

Run all tests with coverage report. Results are written to <yabs>/htmlcov/index.html:

$ tox

Run selective tests:

$ tox -e py37
$ tox -e py37 -- -k test_context_manager


The tests also check for eslint, flake8, black, and isort standards.

Format code using the editor’s formatting options or like so:

$ tox -e format


Follow the Style Guide, basically PEP 8.

Failing tests or not follwing PEP 8 will break builds on travis, so run $ tox and $ tox -e format frequently and before you commit!

Create a Pull Request#
