Command Line Interface#

Basic Command#

Use the --help or -h argument to get help:

$ yabs --help
usage: yabs [-h] [-v | -q] [-n] [--no-color] [-V] {init,info,run} ...

Release workflow automation tools.

positional arguments:
{init,info,run}  sub-command help
    init           create a new yabs configuration
    info           show project information and optionally run `check` task
    run            run a workflow definition

optional arguments:
-h, --help       show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose    increment verbosity by one (default: 3, range: 0..5)
-q, --quiet      decrement verbosity by one
-n, --dry-run    just simulate and log results, but don't change anything
--no-color       prevent use of ansi terminal color codes
-V, --version    display version info and exit (combine with -v for more information)

See also

init command#

$ yabs init –help usage: yabs init [-h] [-v | -q] [-n] [–no-color] [filename]

positional arguments: filename path to new config file (default: ./yabs.yaml)

optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -v, –verbose increment verbosity by one (default: 3, range: 0..5) -q, –quiet decrement verbosity by one -n, –dry-run just simulate and log results, but don’t change anything –no-color prevent use of ansi terminal color codes $

info command#

$ yabs info –help usage: yabs init [-h] [-v | -q] [-n] [–no-color] [filename]

positional arguments: filename path to new config file (default: ./yabs.yaml)

optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -v, –verbose increment verbosity by one (default: 3, range: 0..5) -q, –quiet decrement verbosity by one -n, –dry-run just simulate and log results, but don’t change anything –no-color prevent use of ansi terminal color codes $

run command#

For example, publish a ne patch release:

$ yabs run --inc patch

See also the help:

$ yabs run --help
usage: yabs run [-h] [-v | -q] [-n] [--no-color] [--force] [--no-release] [--progress]
                [--inc {major,minor,patch,postrelease}] [--no-bump] [--force-pre-bump] [--no-check] [--gh-draft]
                [--gh-pre] [--no-winget-release]

positional arguments:
workflow              path to workflow definition (default: ./yabs.yaml)

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose         increment verbosity by one (default: 3, range: 0..5)
-q, --quiet           decrement verbosity by one
-n, --dry-run         just simulate and log results, but don't change anything
--no-color            prevent use of ansi terminal color codes
--force               allow to ignore some errors (like bumping above `max_increment`)
--no-release          don't upload tags and assets to GitHub, PyPI, or winget-pkgs (but still build assets)
--progress            display current progress table between tasks
--inc {major,minor,patch,postrelease}
                        bump semantic version (used as default for `bump` task's `inc` option)
--no-bump             run all 'bump' tasks in dry-run mode
--force-pre-bump      bump `--inc postrelease` even if the current version is untagged
--no-check            don't let the 'check' task stop the workflow (log warnings instead)
--gh-draft            tell the github_release task to create a draft-release
--gh-pre              tell the github_release task to create a pre-release
--no-winget-release   run all 'winget_release' tasks in dry-run mode

See the User Guide example for details.

Verbosity Level#

The verbosity level can have a value from 0 to 6:



Log level












show less info



show write operations




show more info







Exit Codes#

The CLI returns those exit codes:

0: OK
1: Error (network, internal, ...)
2: CLI syntax error
3: Aborted by user